Bare Minimum Mondays: Making Mondays Less Dreadful at Work

Posted: 10/05/2023 - Views: 160

In today's fast-paced world, Monday can often feel like a high-pressure day as it marks the beginning of a new work week. However, the Bare Minimum Mondays trend is gaining popularity and attention from workers worldwide as a solution to alleviate this situation. What is Bare Minimum Mondays, and how can we apply this approach to have the most efficient work week possible? Let's explore in this article below!

What is Bare Minimum Mondays?

Bare Minimum Mondays is a new work culture trend where employees start their work week with a light workload, just enough to limit pressure and exhaustion at the beginning of the week. This allows for genuine moments of energy recharge during the two weekend days instead of worrying or feeling disheartened about the upcoming workday. As a result, we can enter a new week full of energy and enthusiasm, and work productivity will also increase.

How to plan for a "Bare Minimum Monday"?

Just like before starting a game, athletes often have a warm-up period to prepare their bodies and prevent possible injuries. Similarly, Monday is also considered a warm-up time for a workweek.

You can plan for your Bare Minimum Mondays using the following methods:
  • Set goals for your Monday: Determine specific goals you want to achieve on Monday. This helps you focus on the most important tasks and complete them efficiently.
  • Create a to-do list: Write down the tasks you need to accomplish on Monday. Prioritize them and focus on the most critical ones.
  • Start the week with light tasks on Monday and move essential tasks to the following days of the week. This allows you to complete tasks on the first day without pressure, saving energy to tackle more challenging work later.

Of course, each person's "Bare Minimum Monday" will differ depending on their specific role. However, in general, when applying the Bare Minimum Mondays trend in practice, you will have more time to take care of your mental health, thereby ensuring work productivity for the week.

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