China's Investment Boom in Vietnam in First Quarter 2023

Posted: 25/05/2023 - Views: 216

China's Investment Boom in Vietnam in First Quarter 2023

Ranking 6th among the largest investors in Vietnam
Foreign direct investment (FDI) from Chinese enterprises into Vietnam has significantly increased in the First quarter of 2023. According to data from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, as of March 20th, 2023, the accumulated total investment from China into Vietnam reached $23.85 billion with a total of 3,651 projects. With this amount of capital, China currently ranks 6th on the list of countries with the highest investment in Vietnam.

Chinese FDI projects have a widespread presence in provinces and cities throughout Vietnam, with a particular focus on border provinces with economic border gate zones, coastal areas, and densely populated cities. These locations have strong appeal for labor and benefit from good infrastructure, facilitating the movement of goods and people between the two countries.

Chinese investors have participated in joint ventures and partnerships, contributing capital in the form of funds, technology, and machinery across various sectors of Vietnamese businesses. The Chinese capital has flowed into sectors such as textiles, footwear, fibers, thermal power, mineral exploitation, and more recently, electronic component manufacturing.

Chinese investment in Vietnam has not only increased in scale but has also undergone changes in sectors and geographic scope. Previously, China mainly focused on hotels, restaurants, and small-scale consumer goods manufacturing, but there has been a strong shift and diversification in investment sectors. This reflects the significant growth and development of the economic relationship between the two countries.

Vietnam - Advantages that attract investment from China
With its strategic location adjacent to China, a large supplier of goods and raw materials, and being a significant market, Vietnam provides conditions for investors to reduce transportation costs and establish stable supply chains connected to China. Therefore, Vietnam is considered a top choice in the ASEAN region in this trend.

Furthermore, Vietnam still possesses advantages in attracting FDI from various countries worldwide, including China. These advantages include a skilled workforce, a stable economic and political environment, successful disease control, and maintaining a high economic growth rate.

Source: CafeF - Comprehensive Electronic Information Portal

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资料来源:CafeF - 综合网站

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