Key Factors When Recruiting Expats in Vietnam

Posted: 10/11/2022 - Views: 150

The increasing demand of enterprises for senior positions and foreign experts makes the recruitment problem even more difficult. In addition to factors of high technical expertise and long-term experience, according to the assessment from businesses, foreign personnel also need the following factors to be able to work well in the Vietnamese environment:

Understanding the local culture

Factors such as climate, demography and culture of the host country have a great influence on the environment and working experience for foreign employees. The majority of expats said they suffered from "culture shock", especially the difference in opinion, lifestyle, and social value system that made foreign employees feel disconnected and isolated. Specialized training courses for foreign personnel are also not widely available. Therefore, when preparing to work abroad, it is extremely necessary to find out information and consider cultural factors related to that country. For businesses, it will be a great plus when employees can adapt to the local culture to create harmony between life and work.

Compatible with the work culture

On social media, it is not difficult to find articles from foreigners sharing funny stories at companies in Vietnam, one of which is a nap story. Many people expressed surprise when they saw people taking advantage of their lunch break to take a nap at the office, even preparing full bedding. A different aspect could be mentioned is the management style in Vietnam, which is often top-down (direction from the superior down to subordinate) to ensure uniformity and sequence. This way of working seems unfamiliar to many foreign employees, which leads to their constraint and restraint. In conclusion, it can be seen that the compatibility between the candidate's working style and the business is essential for the staff to stick with the company for a long time.

Having communication skills, knowing the language is a plus

One of the biggest reasons for "culture shock" for foreign employees is the language barrier. Although the majority of personnel in Vietnam currently have an average level of English, their speaking skill is still limited. This weak point leads to inability to properly express opinions, causing inefficiencies when communicating. Besides, in non-office settings, English will not be as popular as the native language. Therefore, learning a new language not only helps in work but also in daily life.

Understanding the local market

In addition to long-term experience and high expertise, understanding the market and developing products in that market is also one of the important things for foreign personnel. For example, fast food giant McDonald's had its first failure in the Vietnamese market due to lack of investment in researching Vietnamese people's eating habits and culinary culture. Fast food consisting only of chicken, burger and cola and self-service culture is not suitable for Vietnamese as they prefer eating vegetables and sipping on the spot. Then, despite the creation of "fusion" dishes such as pho burger, porridge, etc, McDonald's has not been able to attract customers due to high prices and limited choices. To summarize, without understanding the market, the judgments and decisions making may have not achieved the desired effect, even leading to cultural and legal mistakes.

For expats wishing to work in Vietnam, the above factors will be very noticeable. Hitsuji Consulting Vietnam is a recruitment agency that not only helps you find job opportunities, but also advises you with necessary information about the working environment, regime and culture in Vietnam.

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Phone: 0705 619 568 

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